
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
- 2 Corinthians 9:7

Isn’t it kind of nice that God cares about your heart in the process of giving money? Giving money away is an invitation to participate with Jesus in the renewal of all things. It’s not supposed to be forced. Churches are not supposed to manipulate you. It shouldn’t be guilt that gets you to open your wallet.

What if God were actually interested in you flourishing? For many of us, that means graciously and gently helping us pry our fingers off our credit cards. That flourishing means helping us respond to the invitation to live more openhandedly with our finances - not because God needs them, but because it will bring healing to our own soul to let go more, to trust more, to participate more.

Where have you experienced joy and cheerfulness in regards to investing money in someone besides yourself recently? Ponder that joy - let it sink in. Pray for opportunities to flourish more as you give money away.